World’s first portable lab-in-a-briefcase for diagnostic cancer testing

Academics at Loughborough University hope to boost early detection rates of cancer in developing countries with their portable lab-in-a-briefcase that can operate even at high temperatures. Believed to be the first kit of its kind dedicated to the portable measurement of cancer biomarkers, the concept is the brainchild of Dr Nuno Reis, a Lecturer in Chemical Engineering. 

  • 03.11.2015, 09:50 by Editor Uno
  • 26.106 Hits

vOICe - Intelligente Brille lässt blinde Menschen die Umgebung hören

vOICe eine Neue und kreative Technologie hilft blinden Menschen bei der selbstständigen Orientierung. Die neue Brille des California Institute of Technology in Pasadena wandelt Bilder in Geräusche um, um Hinweise darauf zu geben, in welcher Umgebung blinde Menschen sich befinden. 

  • 03.11.2015, 09:31 by Editor Uno
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Smart glasses translate video into sound to help the blind see

Blind people have long relied on sound as a substitution for sight, and some even use echolocation to navigate around objects. But it turns out that sound can be specifically designed to convey visual information. Now, that phenomenon is being used in an attempt to build better navigation aids for blind people.

  • 03.11.2015, 09:21 by Editor Uno
  • 20.223 Hits

Sonic Beam: Hologramm-Schallwellen lassen Objekte schweben

Es ist schon kleine Sensation was dem Forscherteam um Asier Marzo, Bruce Drinkwater and Sriram Subramanian von den Universities of Bristol and Sussex mit dem Sonic Tractor Beam gelungen ist. Der Sonic Tractor Beam bringt Objekte zum schweben.

  • 03.11.2015, 09:06 by Editor Uno
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From science fiction to reality - sonic tractor beam invented

The world’s first sonic tractor beams that can lift and move objects using soundwaves have been built by a team that includes researchers at the University of Sussex.

Tractor beams are mysterious rays that can grab and lift objects. The concept was created by science-fiction writers but has since come to fascinate scientists and engineers.

  • 03.11.2015, 08:55 by Editor Uno
  • 15.733 Hits

Toyota Cars - First to Communicate With Each Other And Roadways

Toyota aims to become the first automaker to mass market talking cars—that is to say, vehicles that can receive and share data transmitted by external infrastructure and by other vehicles.

  • 02.11.2015, 13:03 by Editor Uno
  • 18.455 Hits

Nissan IDS Concept - The Future Of Autonomous Driving

The Nissan IDS Concept unveiled today at the Tokyo Motor Show is the company’s vision of what cars will become in the near future. Central to that vision is autonomous driving, which Nissan says is close to becoming a reality.

  • 02.11.2015, 12:40 by Editor Uno
  • 11.738 Hits

Yamaha Motobot - Roboter fährt Motorrad

Robotik ist ein spannendes Thema, zu dem sich kontinuierlich neue Entwicklungen ergeben. So hat Yamaha beispielsweise kürzlich einen neuen Roboter namens Motobot vorgestellt. Dessen besondere Fähigkeit: Er kann Motorrad fahren.

  • 02.11.2015, 12:23 by Editor Uno
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The Yamaha Motobot: A Robot Riding Motorcycles Better Than Humans

Yamaha is delving into the world of autonomous vehicles in a way befitting the unique company that it is: by building a robot that is capable of learning to pilot a motorcycle better than a human can, but not just any human. Yamaha aims to outperform an elite world champion—nine-time MotoGP winner Valentino Rossi, who rode to victory on a Yamaha YZR-M1 this year and who some consider practically superhuman.

  • 02.11.2015, 12:09 by Editor Uno
  • 21.782 Hits

Neue Lasertechnologie kann Internetbandbreite verdoppeln

Einem Team von Physikern des City College in New York ist es gelungen, gewöhnliche Laserstrahlen so zu manipulieren, dass er eine Quantenverschränkung simuliert. Auf diese Art und Weise ließen sich Informationen in der Kommunikationstechnologie deutlich schneller übertragen.

  • 02.11.2015, 11:56 by Editor Uno
  • 13.406 Hits

New Laser Technology To Double Data Speeds

Physicists mimic quantum entanglement with laser pointer to double data speeds. In a classic eureka moment, a team of physicists led by The City College of New York and including Herriot-Watt University and Corning Incorporated is showing how beams from ordinary laser pointers mimic quantum entanglement with the potential of doubling the data speed of laser communication.

  • 02.11.2015, 11:32 by Editor Uno
  • 9.643 Hits

Alberta’s oil-sands plants - Environmentally it’s a disaster zone

No long-term future in tar sands, says Alberta's premier - Rachel Notley supports a switch to clean energy to help Canada’s biggest oil-producing province move beyond fossil fuels within a century. Alberta being the epicenter of Canada's declining reputation on environment and climate.

  • 30.10.2015, 19:55 by Editor Uno
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The ‘biggest climate story on the planet’ is happening in Indonesia right now

Indonesian President Joko Widodo, known as “Jokowi,” came to Washington Monday to help elevate his country’s profile and appeal to foreign investors. But as raging forest and peatland fires in Indonesia pour huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, he chose to cut short his U.S. visit and will return to address the ongoing ecological disaster at home.

  • 30.10.2015, 19:16 by Editor Uno
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Walmart seeks to test drones for home delivery, pickup

Wal-Mart Stores Inc applied Monday to U.S. regulators for permission to test drones for home delivery, curbside pickup and checking warehouse inventories, a sign it plans to go head-to-head with Amazon in using drones to fill and deliver online orders.

  • 29.10.2015, 14:52 by Editor Uno
  • 12.133 Hits

Northrop wins Air Force's B-3 Bomber-Contract

WASHINGTON – Northrop Grumman has won the contract to build the US Air Force’s next-generation Long Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B), an industry-shaping award that breathes new life into the world's sixth-largest defense company.

  • 29.10.2015, 14:49 by Editor Zero
  • 11.329 Hits

Mercedes-Benz Vision Tokyo - World Premiere

Intelligently connected, spatially efficient and versatile: in Tokyo Mercedes-Benz presents a show car for a new generation of urban trendsetters.

  • 29.10.2015, 14:38 by Editor Uno
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Weltpremiere - Der Mercedes-Benz Vision Tokyo

Auf der 44. Tokyo Motor Show (30.10. - 8.11.2015) zeigt Mercedes-Benz die Weltpremiere des Design-Showcars Vision Tokyo. Mit dem "Urban Transformer" zeigt Mercedes-Benz ein weiteres richtungsweisendes Raumkonzept, das die Verjüngung der Marke widerspiegelt.

  • 29.10.2015, 14:20 by Editor Uno
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Neu entwickeltes Gel verdoppelt die Effizienz von Solarpanels

Professor Challa V. Kumar von der „University of Connecticut“ hat ein spezielles Gel entwickelt, das die Nutzung eines größeren Teils des Lichtspektrums ermöglicht. Je nach Art des Solarmoduls lässt sich auf diese Weise die Menge an produziertem Strom verdoppeln.

  • 29.10.2015, 14:08 by Editor Uno
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Boosting the Efficiency of Solar Panels

A UConn researcher has developed a light-harvesting antenna that could double the efficiency of existing solar cell panels and make them cheaper to build.

  • 29.10.2015, 14:00 by Editor Uno
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B3 - der neue Super-Bomber von Northrop

Northrop Grumman hat sich einen der weltweit größten Rüstungsdeals gesichert. Der Waffenhersteller soll für die US-Luftwaffe den ersten neuen Bomber seit dem Kalten Krieg entwickeln. Bei dem milliardenschweren Großauftrag setzte sich das US-Unternehmen gegen Boeing und Lockheed Martin durch, Sollten alle 100 vorgesehenen Maschinen gebaut werden, summiert sich der Auftragswert den Angaben zufolge auf 80 Milliarden US-Dollar.

  • 29.10.2015, 11:28 by Editor Zero
  • 10.669 Hits

Emirai 3 xDAS von Mitsubishi - Concept-Car mit Gesundheitsassistent

Mit dem Emirai 3 xDAS stellt Mitsubishi eine elektrisch angetriebene Konzeptstudie vor, dass die Sicherheit und das gesundheitliche Wohlbefinden des Fahrers garantieren soll. 

  • 29.10.2015, 11:27 by Editor Uno
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Mitsubishi Electric Introduces EMIRAI 3 xDAS Assisted-driving Concept Car

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced today its EMIRAI 3 xDAS, concept car featuring next-generation driving-assistance technology that promises to enhance the safety and comfort of driving. EMIRAI 3 xDAS will be exhibited during the 44th Tokyo Motor Show 2015 at the Tokyo Big Sight exhibition complex in Tokyo, Japan from October 29 to November 8.

  • 29.10.2015, 11:19 by Editor Uno
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Neue Insulintablette vereinfacht die Behandlung von Diabetes

Die Wissenschaft hat in den letzten Jahren erhebliche Fortschritte im Kampf gegen Diabetes gemacht. Es besteht Hoffnung, dass sowohl Diabetes Typ I, als auch Typ II schon in den nächsten Jahren und Jahrzehnten dauerhaft geheilt werden können. Bis dahin müssen sich die Patienten aber weiterhin regelmäßig Insulin spritzen, um den Blutzuckerspiegel zu regulieren.

  • 29.10.2015, 10:57 by Editor Uno
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A patch device containing insulin could simplify the treatment of diabetes

An intestinal patch device containing insulin that can be swallowed in the form of a capsule, in development by researchers at University of California Santa Barbara, has demonstrated efficacy of blood glucose management in diabetic rats. According to the Center for Disease Control, diabetes affects roughly 29.1 million people in the U.S. alone, and is one of the major contributors to mortality, leading to over 230,000 deaths annually with its associated comorbidities. Insulin therapy is an important part of diabetes treatment.

  • 29.10.2015, 10:47 by Editor Uno
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Was tun, damit Roboter richtig laufen lernen?

Noch können wir Menschen es besser als Roboter: Laufen. – Doch die Forschung ist dabei das Problem zu lösen. Künftig sollen Federn statt Muskeln den Roboter "ATRIAS" wie einen Menschen gehen lassen.

  • 27.10.2015, 22:04 by Editor Due
  • 9.940 Hits