Laser-heated nanowires produce micro-scale nuclear fusion with record efficiency

Nuclear fusion, the process that powers our sun, happens when nuclear reactions between light elements produce heavier ones. It’s also happening – at a smaller scale – in a Colorado State University (CSU) laboratory.

The Economics of an Electrified Autonomous Future

Would Autonomous Electric Vehicles Eliminate Transportation Externalities? After one of the many fun and inspiring lunch conversations here at the Energy Institute, I realized that my thoughts on the economic consequences of an electrified autonomou…

Boosting the Efficiency of Solar Panels

A UConn researcher has developed a light-harvesting antenna that could double the efficiency of existing solar cell panels and make them cheaper to build.

The White House Pushes Clean Energy - Coal States Push the Past

It's not clear why Mr. Cama refers to the states defending EPA as "liberal" states; I suppose that's just another way to say states that are less dependent on coal and more concerned about breathing. Ironically, it was a lawsuit brought by a group o…

Ninth Grader Invents A Device That Harvests Power From Ocean Waves

Millions of people around the world live in "energy poverty," including 15-year-old Hannah Herbst's pen pal in Ethiopia. A few startups have spent millions developing massive underwater power plants that gather energy from ocean waves. But a Florida…

New York City's Roofs with a Vast, Untapped Solar Potential

A solar mapping startup hits the Big Apple. New York City seems like it would be a difficult place to build a solar installation. But with so many buildings packed into a small area, the rooftops offer seemingly limitless potential.

New Strawberry Smart Benches - To premier in London soon

Workers and visitors at London’s Canary Wharf will be the world’s first to enjoy the benefits of a new kind of smart street furniture designed to relieve some of modern life’s daily frustrations and make our cities ‘smarter’.

DC Water to generate clean, renewable energy from wastewater

DC Water leverages technology first in North America to generate clean, renewable energy from wastewater.

Smart Palm Trees In Dubai's Beaches

Dubai’s beaches have smartphone addicts and gadget lovers covered with new state-of-the-art trees that allow visitors to have Wi-Fi access and the capability to charge their smartphones. The so-called “smart palm trees” are installed in the beaches …

Für diese Dusche machen sich die Promis nackig

Carlos Gomez Andonaegui hat schon mehr als 500 Menschen nackt gekriegt. Einer dieser Menschen ist Tim Cook, der Chef von Apple. Cook kam zum Duschen vorbei, war zufrieden mit der Erfahrung und investierte privat Geld in Nebia, Gomez Andonaeguis neue…