The next steps with Google Glass

The rumour mill has it that Google is working on another version of its high-tech specs, after taking Google Glass off the market earlier this year. And thanks to a patent that has just been awarded to the company, we have an idea what Google Glass mark two might look like.

The patent, spotted by Quartz, shows a slim pair of specs, and while not exactly fashionable, the design is definitely an improvement on the original. Gone is the third, blinking eye that was the module perching on top of t…

  • 18.06.2015, 20:25 by Editor Due
  • 827 Hits

Small, portable CO2 sensors use very little Energy

Researchers say it may be possible to create small, portable CO2 sensors for scuba divers or mountain climbers using their new energy-efficient design.

A new sensor that measures carbon dioxide (CO2) is much smaller than existing sensors, is easier to assemble, and uses much less energy. The new sensor consists of a recently developed composite material that interacts with CO2 molecules and changes its conductivity depending on the concentration of CO2 in the environment. ETH Zurich scientists …

  • 18.06.2015, 08:36 by Editor Due
  • 1.066 Hits

Heavy-lift helicopter concept Airbus X6

Airbus Helicopters has just announced the launch of the concept phase of its planned X6 heavy-lift helicopter. Over the next two years, the company will be seeking input from corporate customers and evaluating different designs. Possible applications for the aircraft could include oil and gas missions, or search and rescue operations.

The twin-engine X6 will be the latest member of Airbus' H family, which already includes the recently-announced H160 medium-lift helicopter. Sharing some feature…

  • 18.06.2015, 07:48 by Editor Due
  • 1.080 Hits

Scientists Capture the Energy of Evaporation to Drive Tiny Engines

Devices produce electricity from spores resting on water’s surface, but practical applications remain distant.

Harnessing the power from a fundamental process that’s happening constantly, all over the world, a team of scientists at Columbia University have devised tiny engines powered by evaporation. The devices generate electricity from the energy produced by bacterial spores known as Bacillus subtilis, which exhibit strong mechanical responses to changing relative humidity.

The spores expand…

  • 18.06.2015, 07:13 by Editor Due
  • 686 Hits

U.S. Will Allow Drilling for Oil in Arctic Ocean

The Obama administration on Monday gave conditional approval to allow Shell to start drilling for oil off the Alaskan coast this summer, a major victory for the petroleum industry and a devastating blow to environmentalists. The decision adds a complex new chapter to the legacy of President Obama, who has pursued the most ambitious environmental agenda of any president but has sought to balance those moves by opening up untouched federal waters to new oil and gas drilling. Shell has sought for …

  • 20.05.2015, 20:11 by Editor Due
  • 860 Hits

World Superyacht Awards

The winners of the World Superyachts Awards 2015 have been revealed in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The gala evening attracted the leading superyacht designers, builders and industry members as well as yacht owners. Top accolades went to "Grace E" as Motor Yacht of the Year while "WinWin" took Sailing Yacht of the Year.

Motor yacht of the year: Grace E
The judges' overwhelming favourite in this category, the 73-metre Grace E features a range of spa and wellbeing facilities, including a sauna, …

  • 20.05.2015, 18:41 by Editor Due
  • 712 Hits

"Windows 10 ist die letzte Windows-Version"

Diese Formulierung wird Microsofts Technik-Evangelist Jerry Nixon noch ein wenig begleiten: "Erst mal veröffentlichen wir Windows 10", sagte der Technik-Evangelist auf Microsofts Ignite-Konferenz. "Und weil Windows 10 die letzte Windows-Version ist, arbeiten wir immer noch an Windows 10."

Nicht nur, dass dieser Satz tautologisch- zirkelschlüssig taumelt: Er lässt sich auch prächtig missverstehen.Microsoft stellt Windows ein; nach Windows 10 wird es kein Windows mehr geben. Aber davon kann selbs…

  • 20.05.2015, 18:32 by Editor Due
  • 621 Hits

Erstes Supraleiter-Kabel erfolgreich im Testeinsatz

Ein Stromkabel ohne Widerstand: In Essen ist erstmals ein tiefgekühltes Supraleiter-Kabel Teil der städtischen Stromversorgung. Das einen Kilometer lange Spezialkabel transportiert fünf Mal mehr Strom als herkömmliche Kupferkabel und das nahezu verlustfrei. Nach 180 Tagen Laufzeit dieses Pilotprojekts AmpaCity ziehen Forscher nun eine positive Bilanz. Das Supraleiter-Kabel hat inzwischen bereits genügend Strom für 10.000 Haushalte transportiert.

  • 27.12.2014, 16:11 by Editor Due
  • 699 Hits

Rundumkamera für Helme

Mit dem 360Fly von Voxx lassen sich 360-Grad-Ansichten beim Sport filmen, ohne dass man viel tun müsste.

  • 27.12.2014, 15:59 by Editor Due
  • 713 Hits

Das künstliche Paradies für Pflanzen

Neue Technologien erlauben es, Pflanzen durch maßgeschneidertes Kunstlicht besser wachsen zu lassen und sie leckerer und gesünder zu machen. So sieht das Paradies für uns Menschen aus", sagt Gertjan Meeuws und projiziert ein idyllisches Südsee-Insel-Bild mit Palmen, türkisfarbenem Meer, hellem Sandstrand und strahlender Sonne an die Wand. Für Pflanzen sähe das Paradies allerdings etwas anders aus, fügt der Geschäftsführer des niederländischen Unternehmens PlantLab an und ruft das nächste Bild a…

  • 27.12.2014, 14:40 by Editor Due
  • 1.197 Hits

Wenn Wellen Energie erzeugen

Ocean waves are an enormous available resource of clean, renewable energy. They have an energy density 10 times higher than wind and 100 times higher than solar energy. The flux of ocean wave energy is also more stable and predictable than wind, for example, making it easier to optimize power outtake and forecast power production.

Also, the potential for wave energy production is enormous. There are several locations around the globe that are suitable for wave power generation and it could pot…

  • 27.12.2014, 14:14 by Editor Due
  • 1.080 Hits

3D-Sound fürs Autofahren von morgen

Audi has released new details about their 3D sound systems in the Q7. Designed to set a new benchmark for "in-car listening pleasure," the systems use a complex algorithm that can recreate the environment that a song was sung in. As Audi explains, "When an artist is singing from a stage, the floor, ceiling and walls of the concert hall reflect the sound with different time lapses. It bounces off the floor in just a few milliseconds, while it is only reflected by a wall 40 meters away after more…

  • 27.12.2014, 12:19 by Editor Due
  • 633 Hits